Here are the rules that must be followed:
• No Spamming.
Please do not spam our board with nonsense. A most common example is advertising. Users caught doing so will be first given a warning and if the individual still fails to obey the rules then it will be followed by a permanent BAN.
• Use English.
Most of our users use English. Please avoid using any other languages other than English.
• Respect Administrator, Moderators and other stuff here.
Flaming any of them will result in a ban except if their abusing their powers which they probably not.
• Using copyrighted materials.
This is also known as leeching. We most certainly take this case very seriously. Give the creator and owner of the material some credits.
• Avoid using, posting or luring members to Racial and Pornographic Content.
This can result in a straight BAN.
• Post Threads according to the section.
Please do not create threads in the wrong section. Common sense is needed, If you are unsure where to post, think deeply, I am sure there's a more logical place to post your thread.
• Avoid double posting.
Please wait at least 10 minutes before you post another one in a row. Learn to use the EDIT button. It's there for a reason.
• Don't abuse the Reputation system.
Buying and selling reputation points are strictly prohibited.